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Future Health and Environmental Challenges

Dear students,

in this webquest, you will examine critical issues, such as climate change, pollution, resource depletion and emerging infectious diseases, each with profound implications for our environment and public health.


In today's world, we are confronted with several challenges that have profound implications for both our environment and our health. Climate change is reshaping weather patterns and impacting public health in various ways, from increasing the frequency of extreme weather events to altering disease patterns. Pollution- whether it’s air, water or soil - poses serious health risks, leading to a range of diseases and conditions that affect millions globally. Resource depletion is another critical issue, with the overuse of essential resources like water, threatening food security and overall human well-being. Finally, the emergence of new infectious diseases highlights the need for robust health systems and global cooperation to manage and prevent such outbreaks. Understanding and addressing these interconnected challenges is crucial for fostering a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

  1. Please form four transnational groups with the assignment to make research and digital presentations on the following topics:

Group 1: Climate Change and Public Health, 

Group 2: Pollution and Health Risks, 

Group 3: Resource Depletion and Human Health, 

Group 4: Emerging Health Threats from Infectious Diseases.


Sign up in the following Google Doc for the group you would like to work:

2. Each group will use the guiding questions and provided resources to conduct online research. They will collaborate on a shared Google Slides presentation, accessible through Padlet, with each group working in their assigned column:

3. Once your presentation is ready, upload it to the designated Padlet board. Each group will have a specific column to post their work.


4. After completing your research and presentations, you will participate in a Padlet Gallery Walk. This will allow you to explore and engage with the findings of other groups, compare insights, and contribute to a class discussion on comprehensive strategies to address these future health challenges. Review the other groups presentations and engage with the content by leaving thoughtful comments and questions.


5. Leave a comment on the related page's forum answering to the question "What was the most impactful piece of information you learned?"

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