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Dear students, 

you will work according to this WebQuest to:

  1.  learn about the issue of overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea, its causes, consequences and potential solutions.

2.  practice Vocabulary related to marine biology and environmental science( local economies-global food supplies), report/article writing, persuasive language.

3.  develop research, critical thinking, reading comprehension, speaking, writing, listening, presentation, creative writing and collaboration skills.


Overfishing: what is it and Why is it such a big problem? What is Bycatch and its dangers, strengthen the management of fisheries.

  1. Watch the following video while considering these questions:

-What are the causes of overfishing? 

-What are the ecological impacts of overfishing? 

-What are the economic and social consequences? What are the current measures and regulations in place to combat overfishing?

Read the video summary here.

2. Make a comment on the following Padlet on 'What can individuals, communities do to combat overfishing?'

The state of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries

  1. In order to forge the path of sustainability the key is to adopt and reiforce management measures for the conservation of specific stocks and deep sea ecosystems.

Watch the following video to get informed about:

-Accelerated reduction of Fishing pressure.

-Common sole, turbot, european hake all key species under management plans.

-Concerted efforts towards a sustainable future.

Read video summary here.

2. If you were a marine animal or a fisherman; write a diary entry to the following Twinboard, the day to day happenings of your life, thoughts and feelings

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