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Soil Health and Conservation

Dear students,


you will work according to this webquest.


As you already know,  soil is a fundamental element in agriculture, vital for supporting crop growth, managing water and cycling nutrients. Despite its crucial role in farming, soil often suffers from neglect and degradation due to various agricultural practices. Through this activity you will explore soil health and conservation in the context of agriculture, and learn how to protect and enhance soil to ensure sustainable farming for future generations.


You will be assigned to expert groups to research specific topics on soil health and conservation. Once you have gathered your information, you will join jigsaw groups to share your findings and create informative materials for a soil health and conservation awareness campaign for your school community.

  1. Expert Groups


    You will be assigned to one of four expert groups (transnational), each focusing on a distinct topic. Choose your group here:

2. Share your knowledge with your peers in this common presentation in Google Slides:

3. Have an online meeting through Webex platform to celebrate together the World Soil Day. Create Jigsaw groups, with different experts from all groups and view together the whole Google Slides presentation in breakout sessions. If that is not possible, you can have this review in your classroom.


4. Create posters and infographics for an Awareness Campaign to inform the school community about the health and the conservation of soil. Add them to the following Padlet:

5. Inform the school community and present your products.

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